Interview Dentistry UiTM 2016


Alhamdulillah. Dah pass satu interview. Doa and tawakkal lah sampai result UPU kluar. Hehe. Akak dipanggil UiTM Dentistry interview. Menangis jugak bila dapat tahu dapat iv. Sebab sebelum-sebelum ni, tak pernah kena iv dengan universiti. Hehe.

Faculty of Dentistry, UiTM terletak di UiTM Cawangan Selangor Kampus Sungai Buloh. Tepi Hospital Sungai Buloh je. Nampak dari tepi highway PLUS.

Requirement nak masuk UiTM Dentistry:

1. CGPA Asasi Sains UiTM / Asasi Pasum / Matrikulasi / STPM: 3.50 above.

2. SPM science core subjects, at least B.

3. Creative. Hahaahha. Orang yang keliru nak ambik art or science, dipersilakan masuk sini. Faculty memang suka orang yang kreatif.

4. Passed iv with flying colours. Hehe.
Akak pilih iv di kawasan utara. Jadi, iv akak di UiTM Cawangan Kedah Kampus Sg. Petani, Merbok. Sebanyak 65 orang yang hadir iv hari tu.
Kami ada 4 checkpoint.

a. EQ questionaire. Which is to know your personality. Based on your asnwers in these EQ questionaire, the faculty of Dentistry will know, you can wade the trench of Dentistry or not. They can know your level of emotional. This is because they didn't want their students quit in the middle of the study. The students will face many many many professional exams (lebih banyak dari Medicine). So, prepare your mental and physical if you want to be a part of dental students.

b. Wire bending. You need to bend or straighten the wire according the picture that has given. I got knot shape. Somebody got ohm shape. Hehe. Ikut la diorang nak bagi macam mana. Diorang nak test korang sama ada tangan steady atau tangan terketar2 buat kerja. Kena buat dalam masa 5 minit je tau. Baru je start, tiba2 dah tinggal satu minit. Haha. So, you can use pliers and paper clips to practise this thing. Boleh tengok kat Youtube macam mana diorg buat.

c. Colour blind test. Macam nak test sekolah memandu tu. Seminit je.

d. Interviewed by panels. Haha. Debarkan? Jangan risau. Warga UiTM tak makan orang. Kami semua baik-baik. Hehe. You just yakin and tell all about you. Don't shy and DON'T LIE! Cakap je dengan panel2 macam kita sembang-sembang dengan lecturer kita time pre-u. Just relax. They want to see your personality when talking with other, when communicate with other. 

i. Tell us about yourself. Cerita je semua pasal hang. Dari sekolah rendah, kalau masuk catur sekalipun, masuk melukis sekalipun, cerita ja. Haha. Masuk sekolah menengah, kalau masuk pertandingan tulisan khat, cerita ja. Part hobby, ceritakan hobi tu ada kaitan dengan dentistry. Contoh, kalau suka menjahit baju kurung, so kaitkan dengan boleh jahit periodontium (gusi) patient nanti. Hehe. Ni point kawan akak. Haha. Hani, pinjam sat point hang.

ii. Diorang akan suruh cerita balik pasal pertandingan2 yang hangpa pernah masuk. If u participated in innovation exhibition, so tell them what your innovation and so on. So, apa yang korang cerita tadi, diorang akan korek lagi. So, DON'T EVER LIE!

iii. Pernah join volunteering work? Haaaa.. ni memang bonus kalau untuk sapa2 suka buat kerja-kerja sukarelawan. Nanti, pi la join mana2 NGO buat homeless feed, street dakwah and so on. Akak recommend ABIM atau PERKIM Haha. Best kut. Jadi PMDS lagi best giler. XD

iv. Extraordinary skill. Kalau korang boleh fire bending sekalipun, cerita ja. Hahahahah. Kalau pandai melukis, pun cerita. Fakulti suka orang KREATIF. Kenapa? Sebab nanti, kita nak buat braces and dentures (gigi palsu) untuk patient. Mana boleh bedal ikut suka kita. Kita kena ikut shape dalam mulut patient tu. Then, kita pun nak filing gigi (tampal gigi). Mestila nak masukkan resin composite tu cantik-cantik macam orang sapu simen kat batu-bata rumah. So, enhance bakat dalam diri tu ye adik2.

v. Cerita pasal bidang dalam dentistry. Haha. Study ye pasal tu. Boleh cari dalam google.

vi. Isu semasa. Ni pun kena tahu dik oi. Haha. Tengok la berita walaupun anda bosan. Tips akak, follow twitter paper2 macam Berita Harian dll. Akak suka Berita Harian and Al Jazeera sebab bagi news on the spot. So, follow them if u don't want to watch those news. 

vii. Ada apa2 soalan? Tanya la soalan apa2 pasal dentistry. This shows that you are passionate to get enter the dental school.

So, belajaq elok2 noh. Jaga carrymark. Jangan leka walaupun baru masuk sem 1. No no no. Tak macam SPM dulu ya. "Barang yang lepas jangan dikenang" tak terpakai dalam alam universiti ni dik. Haha. Semua akan diungkit bila habis sem. Bila transkrip rasmi dicetak. Time tu, memang dah tak boleh buat apa dah.

Kata akhir, all the best for your future. Doakan akak ni dapat dentistry UiTM :D

Ps: This post was written while travelling to UiTM Dengkil for celebrating my juniors. Welcome my dear. 😌


  1. Are you taking dentistry right now? Or preparing nak masuk dentist? Sebab ada a few questions nak tanya if you were a dental student. Jumpa link blog ni dekat twitter hehe so i thought you're in batch 97?

  2. skrg, tgh tunggu result upu, which means result iv ni, pass atau x. :) yup. i'm from batch 97.

    1. If we passed the iv with flying colours but our cgpa turned out to be below 3.5, is there still a chance? Does iv decides it all?

  3. Salam. Nak tanya betul ke kalau nak pass dpt iv uitm pointer sem 1 kena 3.5 above? And pointer sem 1 awak 3.5 above ke? Mohon jawapan T_T

    1. Waalaikumussalam.. Better 3.5 above. Sbb higher chances.

  4. Salam.. boleh tak tanya pointer awak? Sebab saya pun ada mohon dentistry tapi tak dapat interview, atau mungkin saya letak dentistry uitm pilihan ketiga?

    1. waalaikumussalam.. haha.. not 4 flat at all. :D ya ka. maybe sbb ikut susunan pilihan upu. sbb sy ltk ni as first course yg ada iv.

  5. Assalamualaikum. Hee maaf tanya. Nak apply uitm ni thru upu la kan? And dia guna result sem1 ke? Result 3best or camne? 3best tu ada like specific subject ke tak kisah which 3 best je? Maaf tanya huhu

    1. waalaikumussalam.. yup, via upu. i don't sure about result sem 1 tpi call for iv is based on result upu (3.50 above). Best 3 subjects are math (compulsory) n lagi 2 either bio, physics or chemistry. All the best for this sem!

  6. I just read your story. It sounds very interesting As i want to further in that course also. Im not a 4 flat student, im from pasum. And now tgh pening nk isi upu. Could u pls give me suggestion. I dont mind where i further dentistry but i want that course coz i really interested woth that and ur story really inspired me.

    1. me pun, not a 4 flat student. :) but it always rezeki from Him. :D

      if u love art, medical science and physics at the same time, dentistry is the best option. coz we make art while studying medical science. haha. art dlm dental procedure. fizik tu pulak.. applied bila untuk prosedur tampalan (restoration), buat denture, pasang braces dll. :)

      all the best for u.

  7. I just read your story. It sounds very interesting As i want to further in that course also. Im not a 4 flat student, im from pasum. And now tgh pening nk isi upu. Could u pls give me suggestion. I dont mind where i further dentistry but i want that course coz i really interested woth that and ur story really inspired me.

  8. Salam akak, kalau pointer sem1 below 3.5 ada chance taaak utk iv tuu :'(

    1. waalaikumussalam... boleh.. akak pun below 3.5 time first sem asasi :) doa banyak2. in shaa Allah ada rezeki, dapat iv dentistry.

    2. Thnkyou akak! Sya asasi sains uitm nak dekat final dah :')))

  9. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. akak saye ada email soalan pasal interview ni kat email akak..harap akak dpat balas email saye..saye x post soalan saye kat sini sbb soalan saye banyak

  11. wire bending tu guna tools dia ke? or pakai playar and wayar je yg beli kat kedai?

  12. Salam.klau masa spm kimia dpt c yg lain A dn masa kat matrik bole score 3.8 layak x utk mohon dentist.tq

    1. layak je..sbb nak masuk dentistry guna result matriks. score betul2 time matriks tu.

  13. Layak tak apply dentist klau spm bio:D,chemis:C,Physics:c

    1. apply ja. mna tau rezeki kat situ :)

  14. betul ke mizah bambam pelajar paling cemerlang disini?

  15. Ape maksud specialty yang ade di dentistry?

    1. Kepakaran dan pergigian. Contoh, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Medicine, Orthodontics, Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Restorative, Endodontics, Oral Pathology, Pediatric Dentistry, Special needs in Dentistry

  16. Nk tnya.. Maximum berapa kuota utk student fakulti pergigian uitm???

    1. Setakat ni, paling banyak, 80 orang. tak pasti untuk next batch brapa.

  17. Salam kak. Saya nak tanya, ada peluang ke nak dapat interview kalau result sem 1 bawah 3.5? Waktu akak dulu result sem 2 keluar dulu ye baru result interview?

  18. helo nak tnya dulu temuduga xda jwb soalan bertulis ke?? soaln bertulis yg ada soalan sains,math dn pengetahuan am?? klw ada tahap susah dya mcm mna??? spm?? asasi?? matriks??

  19. Hi, can i get your email? I would like to ask more details about this course since i will have my iv soon thankyou!!


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