The Best Listener

Listen. Hear.

When problems come, Allah is the best Listener. Saat kepala dah pusing dengan masalah yang bertimbun-timbun, badan dihempap tanggungjawab yang berat.. Ambillah wudhuk. Bentangkan sejadah. Lalu menghadap-Nya.

Pergh. Waktu kau letak dahi kat sejadah tu, you'll know that feel. Aku tak leh nak describe. Kau rasa la sendiri.

Let Him know everything beneath your heart. EVERYTHING.


However, as a normal human, we also do need someone that will hear everything, right?
Kalau kau ada, APPRECIATE dia as well as dia hargai kau.

Huhu. Menyesal tak sudah kalau aku tak hargai. Bila lagi aku nak dapat orang yang sangup dengar luahan aku?


Thanks to the people around me that hear me membebel, merapu, merepek, meroyan and et cetera. Haha. Aku memang seorang yang jarang cerita prob hidup. Once aku suka cerita pasal diri aku, means mereka adalah the trusted one. Macam pemegang amanah la. Hahaha.

Ok done merepek pasal LISTENING.

Lepas-lepas ni, mesti korang akan dengar aku merepek pasal terms-terms yang pelik-pelik. Terima dan hadam je lah ye. Hahahaha.

PS: Thanks, you. :)


  1. Yup,Allah is the best listener...He's the only one that know what you faced and what you feel...anything,just be near Him and He will lead the way...
    A person or friend maybe can help just a bit of it...there are not the perfect ones but some just care to know what happens in your life...not busybody,just wanna help trust that person
    Hope you can be strong cuz you have a long way journey with full of challenges ahead

  2. Nice thought. :) Friends can make us feel less burdensome.
    Btw, thanks for support.


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